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With our free search service, we present suitable properties to you and always inform you as soon as we add a suitable property.

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Our service

"We are only happy when our customers are happy and satisfied."



(Founder of Apart Balear Group)

Our service for prospective buyers and renters

Specialization in apartments

Through our specialization in apartment real estate, we want to give our customers a clear orientation in the otherwise opaque real estate market in the Balearic Islands. If you are looking for an apartment or a house in a community complex to buy or rent on Mallorca, Ibiza or Menorca, we are your ideal contact.

Extensive selection

Due to our focus on apartment real estate, we put all our energy into this area and can therefore offer our customers a much better and larger portfolio. If we haven't already listed your dream apartment, we will surely find it for you.

Big brand, individual partner

The aim of Apart Balear is to offer our individual real estate consultants a strong brand and, accordingly, to take over marketing and initial customer contact. As a customer, you benefit from the fact that you always have a suitable consultant in the respective search area as a competent contact person who can take full care of you.

Local networking

Our partnership real estate consultants have been living in the individual areas for a long time and are perfectly networked on site. As a customer, you benefit enormously from this local network, as our consultants have access to almost all available properties and are very familiar with the location.

linguistic proficiency

All of our real estate agents are multilingual. It is very important to us to always look after you as a customer in your native language. This also means that we try to make all documents available in your language. We also ensure that a translator is present at a notary appointment. This is the only way to feel that you are being looked after as best as possible and misunderstandings are avoided.

Local networking

Our partnership real estate consultants have been living in the individual areas for a long time and are perfectly networked on site. As a customer, you benefit enormously from this local network, as it gives our consultants access to almost all available properties.


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Our service for sellers and landlords

Specialization in apartments

Through our specialization in apartment real estate, we want to give our customers a clear orientation in the otherwise opaque real estate market in the Balearic Islands. If you are looking for an apartment or a house in a community complex to buy or rent on Mallorca, Ibiza or Menorca, we are your ideal contact.

Extensive selection

Due to our focus on apartment real estate, we put all our energy into this area and can therefore offer our customers a much better and larger portfolio. If we haven't already listed your dream apartment, we will surely find it for you.

Specialization in apartments

Through our specialization in apartment real estate, we want to give our customers a clear orientation in the otherwise opaque real estate market in the Balearic Islands. If you are looking for an apartment or a house in a community complex to buy or rent on Mallorca, Ibiza or Menorca, we are your ideal contact.

Extensive selection

Due to our focus on apartment real estate, we put all our energy into this area and can therefore offer our customers a much better and larger portfolio. If we haven't already listed your dream apartment, we will surely find it for you.

Specialization in apartments

Through our specialization in apartment real estate, we want to give our customers a clear orientation in the otherwise opaque real estate market in the Balearic Islands. If you are looking for an apartment or a house in a community complex to buy or rent on Mallorca, Ibiza or Menorca, we are your ideal contact.

Extensive selection

Due to our focus on apartment real estate, we put all our energy into this area and can therefore offer our customers a much better and larger portfolio. If we haven't already listed your dream apartment, we will surely find it for you.


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