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About Apart Balear

In this area you will get to know the Apart Balear team and the philosophy of the group. We look forward to getting to know you and will be happy to advise you on all issues relating to real estate on the Balearic Islands. Please contact us.

Our service

Here you can find out why you should definitely rely on us when buying or renting your next apartment property in the Balearic Islands or when selling or renting your property. We are the specialists when it comes to apartment properties on Mallorca, Ibiza, Formentera or Menorca.

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Our island tips

In this area we would like to keep you informed about our personal island tips. So check out our website regularly or follow us on our Instagram and Facebook pages. Have fun. You are also welcome to send us your own island tips. We will then try these tips and publish them here.

Our partners

Get to know our partners here, with whom we enjoy working reliably. When it comes to real estate, it is always about perfect interaction between different actors. These include e.g. Lawyers, craftsmen, architects, interior designers, banks, tax consultants and many more. As with real estate agents, there is a huge choice with the other players. It helps a lot that you can rely on our experience.

Our references

Please see what customers and partners say about us. We look forward to hearing your thoughts on our service. Please use our contact form for this. We would also like to show you which properties were brokered through our Apart Balear Group. The entire group works daily on a high level of customer satisfaction and the successful brokerage of apartment properties in the Balearic Islands.